From the Knowledge Graph and
datasets availability perspective
Anne Thollard (DG REGIO)
Max De Wilde (DG CNECT)
Innovation and/in the regions workshop
What is Kohesio?
- Cohesion funds: shared management with national and local authorities in the member states
- The member states have a legal obligation to publish the list of projects and beneficiaries on their national websites
- The goal of Kohesio is to aggregate this data and make it publicly available in an easy, open way
Raw data
- Hundreds of files in CSV, XLSX or XLS published by member states
- Reference data: intervention fields, thematic objectives, programmes, funds, NUTS, etc.
- Wikidata
Enriching the data
- Translating project labels and descriptions into English
- Computing geographic coordinates based on postal code (geocoding)
- Deducing in which NUTS region the project is located
- Linking NUTS regions and beneficiaries with Wikidata
How to transform this data into knowledge?
2. Query Service
Using SPARQL query language
3. Question Answering
Allows to explore the data using natural language
Can be integrated in chatbots